Those seeking membership in the International Order of Freemasonry for Men and Women, Le Droit Humain, American Federation™ must seek it on their own.
As members, we respect the Rules and Regulations of the International Order of Freemasonry for Men and Women, Le Droit Humain and the laws of our country.
We must live honorably, practice justice and love our neighbors. We respect members’ independence regarding religious organizations and we are respectful of the right to absolute freedom of conscience of all. We are expected to work at improving ourselves, to look for ways we can help others, to respect differing views and to keep our promises. We commit to attend meetings of our lodge regularly unless there is some urgent reason that prevents us from doing so. We take an oath to help each other and to uphold our Masonic ideals. |
Sincere Applicants Must:
Cost of Membership: